Are your VMware machines up to date?

September 8th, 2016

Until now, virtualization hadn’t been targeted by cyber attackers with the same vigor as other small- and medium-sized business IT solutions. Whether it was because of the inherent security of virtualization or because of the relatively narrow scope of its adoption, this is no longer the case.

Citrix’s XenApp gets a cloud boost from Azure

August 24th, 2016

Microsoft’s Azure and Citrix’s XenApp have done a lot to move virtualization services into the mainstream over the years. So, with the announcement that the two companies will work together to combine their platforms into a new cloud-based application delivery system, it’s understandable why there is so much excitement within the industry.

Network virtualization: why you should care

August 10th, 2016

As difficult as virtualization may be to understand, it continues to march toward widespread adoption. Up until now, the service was mostly limited to making hardware and software resources better allocated based on needs. However, corporate bigwigs AT&T and Verizon are jumping into the game by adding the option to virtualize network services.

Amazon’s new tool for swift data migrations

July 21st, 2016

Virtualization is as complicated as it is beneficial to SMBs. The concept alone can take time to fully grasp and making it a reality at your company is even more difficult. However, Amazon Web Services needs to make the service as easy as possible if they expect to retain customers and increase their bottom line.

Prominent virtualization options for SMBs

June 29th, 2016

Keeping up with tech trends as a small or medium-sized business owner is tough. Virtualization may be a great example of this, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Between the boost to network security and ability to scale your workstations and servers according to your business growth, it’s time to start learning a little more about it.

The three types of client virtualization

June 10th, 2016

According to a Research and Markets report, client virtualization is expected to drive continual growth in the IT sector. Long gone are the days of tedious one-on-one interaction between servers and systems, it is now time to embrace the automated and virtualized alternative.

Learning about virtualization licenses

May 25th, 2016

Whether you only need a dozen, or a hundred, the process of deciding on and acquiring software licenses can be very frustrating. Many of us had hoped that cloud computing and virtualization would alleviate some of these headaches. Unfortunately, we’re not there yet, which is why it’s important to understand all of your licensing options when deciding on a virtualized environment -- let’s take a look.

App virtualization 101

May 6th, 2016

To get ahead as a small business, it’s important for your company to stay on top of IT trends. The problem is, these trendy and new solutions are quite confusing to understand, especially for companies with limited IT experience. One of the more complicated IT trends would have to be app virtualization.

How Virtualization helps with DR

April 14th, 2016

When most people think of Disaster Recovery, the idea of Virtualization is likely far from mind. However, these two IT services are more closely related than the average business owner thinks. Virtualization can actually serve as Disaster Recovery Solution.